Online-Constellation-Workshop in german - "NewBe with CQM"
May 14th, 2023 - 9.30 am until 5.30 pm
Experience the state of oneness and a balance in your being in combination with the CQM method. This online workshop can completely change the way you feel about yourself and your life.
What's about?

Transformation processes can be easier. It doesn't take drama and long forgiveness processes anymore. With my self-developed constellation formats such as "NewBe", I set new standards in constellation work that go far beyond classic family constellations. What is special about this offer is that I combine my method with CQM (Chinese quantum method) and in collaboration with Claudia Dopple Coaching | Claudia Dopple | Kaltenbach.
More information on "NewBe and Kiss-Constellation" - Check-out
Your benefits
Strengthen life balance
Away from ‘being driven’ into a more enjoyable life
In addition to the two sides of the coin, also perceive the 3rd side (the edge) of the coin
Enabling a freer assessment of your life - feeling how it could be
Extended perception and reaction portfolio
Achieve and maintain metaposition
Concrete work on inner serenity
Expansion of perception to a level where there are no more words
Who should participate?